Saving my own life...
“911, where is your emergency“?
“I am trapped and I do not know where I am“
“Trapped? Where? By whom?“
“I can’t see where I am. I am surrounded by darkness. I can hear people speaking but its very faint. All of my senses are dulled. I can’t feel my feet or my hands. I am really scared.”
“Ok, I am here with you. I can help. I’m going to try and figure out where you are. What is the last thing you remember?“
“Crying. I was in my home office, and I could tell my thoughts were starting to swirl as they often did with heightened anxiety. I was used to that feeling. The tears…they stung my face as they fell and I watched them fall to the floor...”
“Ok, I hear you and I am here. Can you tell me what happened next?“
“I don’t know what happened next. I can’t feel anything. I am cold, to the bone exhausted. I have head pain that supersedes any migraine I have ever experienced. I can’t feel the inside or outside of my body. I am confused. I am a Mom. Holy shit. I am a college educated professional. What in the hell is happening to me?“
“I am here, Melissa…I can help you. Continue...”
“How do you know my name? Please call someone…my sister? I don’t think I should be alone. I can’t be alone. I don’t know how to do this. I think I am on my couch at my house but nothing looks familiar. I have never been this terrified before.”
“You are going to come out of this stronger than when you went in. Your heart will be softened and your mind will be expanded. You will learn that your purpose in life is not to merely exist for other people, but rather to exist for yourself“
“How do you know?”
“Because I am you. I am you on the other side of this. I am you when you realize you are no longer trapped inside of your own head. I am you before this happened and I am you afterwards. You are going to survive…not only will you survive, you will change the lives of others who are trapped. You are going to be the light“